The frequency and placement of ads should reflect your users’ stage in the funnel.
· Minimize ads on initial screens: Avoid overwhelming first-time visitors.
· Increase coverage later: As users engage further, show more ad placements.
· Maximize coverage for post-conversion: Once users have converted—or are unlikely to convert—leverage more inventory without affecting CPA goals.
If you can identify user segments based on potential profitability (CPA-driven data), adjust ad prices and placement accordingly. By tuning these factors per segment, you can further boost overall revenue.
Finance product sites command higher CPMs than any other media sites. Setting optimal price floors helps block lower-value impressions and raises average RPM. advertisers bid competitively, driving up your ad revenue.
Tailored Price Floor Strategy
Opt for ad placements that don’t disrupt the primary navigation:
· Horizontal sticky: Displays ads in a neat, unobtrusive bar
· Out-of-page format: Interstitials can appear at transitions or natural breaks.