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Core Web Vitals
Since its page experience update, Core Web Vitals are now a key factor in Google's search rankings.

Make sure you remain compliant with all three vitals by tracking your scores in real time - with page-level accuracy and instant alerts.
Real-user data
Go beyond lab data and track what really matters - how users actually experience your site.

Real-user monitoring is the only way to get fast and reliable Web Vitals data, without waiting weeks for Google Search Console updates.
"The data provided by Chrome User Experience Report offers a quick way to access the performance of sites, but it does not provide the detailed, per-pageview telemetry that is often necessary o accurately diagnose, monitor, and quickly react to regressions.

As a result, we strongly recommend that sites set up their own real-user monitoring."
Go into detail
Identify problem spots by drilling down by page, device, browser, custom dimensions, and more - so you know exactly what needs fixing.
Automated alerts
Receive an email whenever your site becomes non-compliant or your vitals drop below a certain level - so you can take action quickly.
Get set up in just 3 minutes
Based on the "web-vitals library" developed by Google, Clickio Web Vitals Monitoring is easy to implement with a single tag.
E-mail alerts - when your Web Vitals drop
If you need more page views or other features, please get in touch and we can create a custom plan to suit your needs.
• Domain
• Country
• Device type
• Browser
• Operating system
• Resolution
Page URL
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$15 / £11
/per month
/per month
$0 / £0
$75 / £55
/per month
• Domain
• Country
• Device type
• Browser
• Operating system
• Resolution
Page URL
• Custom dimensions

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Filter data by:
• Domain
• Country
• Device type
• Browser
• Operating system
• Resolution
1 site included
25,000 monthly page views
3 months storage
3 sites included
1 million monthly page views
18 months storage
(2 months at page level)
10 sites included
10 million monthly page views
3 years storage
(3 months at page level)
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